WHO is John Lutz?!?

WHO is John Lutz?!?

Honestly, maybe I am not sure WHO I am. I think that’s part of the purpose of this blog. If you want to see a picture, I’m sitting to the left of my wife and daughters in my post about family.

I do know a lot of things about myself: I am a father of two, an avid amateur runner, a Fire/EMS volunteer, business owner, AND Employee. My 9-5 pays the bills, for now.

Obviously you may guess I have a LOT going on, and little time. Therefore, forgive the lack of ‘polish’ and organization of my Blog. It’s really a place for me to create, store and expand upon the musings of my life. I will largely focus on Running, but also the things in this runner’s mind, and thoughts on lifestyle and personal growth.

Me, in the Black Beanie starting a 50k
I live in Southwest Colorado. Most of the photos here are mine, unless otherwise noted. I will post Poetry, Short Stories, rants, educational and motivational pieces. I write about the mountains, running, climbing, snowboarding and an occasional drunken tale. If I ever pull it off, I may record and publish some music.

Who knows what may arise? Thank you all who follow, enjoy, or otherwise read my work! 


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