What is family?

What is family?

There’s a number of definitions in Merriam-Webster. Without needing to define it, family is something that can often be felt, or seen, even experienced.

So I am led to wonder, what, or who is my family? I can clearly define a short answer, as I wake in my home daily to the warm hearts and smiles of my wife and daughters. Does it extend beyond that?

Certainly, by blood, I am related to everyone around me. Genealogically we are all approximately 50th cousins. Should a closer blood relation yield more connectedness? Is that reason enough to care, look out, or otherwise work for another person?

Should family be built on ideology alone? It is said to be a good thing to surround yourself with ‘like-minded people.’ At what point does this become a Dogmatic lullaby? So too is it said to challenge oneself by getting outside of your comfort zone, or thinking outside the box. Some follow this path only to end up wandering alone in far reaches.

As I ponder these things, begin a patriarchal journey of my own and seek foundational strength, I begin to see family as a sort of an anchor; A common core around which greater ideas and concepts can be built. I am learning that, without this, there can be no true success. Without this it is impossible to build something bigger that will grow beyond myself.

I love my families: The family I am growing, the Family of Community that helps to support me as I try to reciprocate (Town I work for, Ski Area in town, FD/EMS volunteering), the family that helped make and shape me from youth into adulthood. I know, Mom and Dad, I was given the best possible with what we had and how you knew to parent. I am grateful for that, beyond words. The only way I can try to express that is to pay it forward through my girls and future generations.

I have had my way led by a loving sister. I know I am not the best possible brother. I will not ask forgiveness for imperfection, rather a pardon as life is an ongoing lesson I continue to learn. Being an older sibling cannot be easy and is even more difficult to do gracefully. Thank you.

Appropriately, your daughter taught me to change diapers, then helped change the diapers for my first born. I love you. I don’t know exactly what an uncle is supposed to do. I do what I can where I see fit.

Interpersonal relationships are emotional. These feelings are what make us uniquely human and can bind or drive apart. Life is also unidirectional: We must be forward moving. Therefore thinking and looking forward can be appropriate. I envision a future of closeness and interconnectedness through family and community.

Learning only happens through observation and example. Today’s leaders shape tomorrow. I ask that we create learning that will lead to unity. This will be our foundation of success:

My Family and I this Fall

Family Mission

To put God, Self and Family on a Pedestal, above all else
To live in love for God, Self, Spirit and fellow Human

To be Honest, take Responsibility, Give Credit when due, be Humble in Success

To see a world full of lessons and opportunity

To continually Improve for OurSelves and most importantly Each Other 

To Thrive under a Paradigm of Abundance and Belief, with a Curious drive towards Understanding
To be Vulnerable in Life and Love, Filled with Love and Affection in times of Adversity 
To Embrace Life Fully with Positivity, by Living in the Moment Through Appreciation of All Things Big and Small

To hold these as Core Values and surround YourSelf with Like-Valued People


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