Occam’s Protocol
Occam’s Protocol In conjunction with Tim Ferriss’ Slow-Carb Diet (SCD) , I used Occam’s Protocol as an Alternative Training strategy (Both out of the 4-hour Body). Tim has not published a detailed explanation of this workout online, however there is a lot of information, discussion, and controversy about this workout online. My bottom line? It definitely adds muscle and strength if done properly. I did not have a particularly rapid response (I continued to gain muscle after I stopped) or notably huge gains. I consider 5-10 lbs of muscle a lot for someone in his late 30s. So, what is it? Generally, it is a weight lifting regimen consisting of two alternating workouts, (A, B) each with 2-3 exercises. Each exercise is only done once; yes, just one set per workout. Each set is done at a slow cadence (5/5: 5 seconds to push weight up, 5 seconds to let it down) and the number of reps is defined by reaching failure. That’s about it. There’s some more detail I will discuss below and...